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About us

Polaris-Flight is a pioneer in artificial intelligence and data science applied to evidence-based decision-making in flight training management.

Our platform is a cutting-edge state-of-the-art technology built from its inception for decision-making. Unlike existing solutions, any important data is stored in the system and is analyzed by powerful algorithms in order to provide acurate insights.

This will significantly improve competencies acquisition and reduce safety risks and will result in more resilient pilots, with a better self-awareness, more confidence and raised competence. Our team is made of experts in aviation training, decisional systems, artificial intelligence and data science, designers and software developers, whose objective is to develop the most advanced platform for pilot training management.

Artificial intelligence has now entered all areas of daily life, including aviation. Cockpits are highly automated, however studies have shown that in recent years, most plane accidents have occurred when the aircraft was not malfunctioning. It is therefore important to understand the place of pilots in such a context. The conclusion is that these must be capable of resilience, that is, according to the EASA definition, "the ability of a flight crew member to recognize, absorb and adapt to disturbances."

This high-level definition of resilience has been refined into two key elements by the IATA Pilot Training Task Force (PTTF): “flight crew resilience can be justified by raising the level of competence and achieving the appropriate level of confidence”. In other words, to build resilience, the flight crew must develop their competencies and confidence. This increase in competencies and confidence will therefore improve aviation safety.

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” (Peter Drucker). “What you don’t measure doesn’t get better” (William Edwards Deming) “You cannot manage without measuring and only what is measured gets implemented. Measurement is the antidote to ambiguity, it forces us to be clear about vague concepts and it forces us to act” (Anders Westers) Managing is a serious activity that does not tolerate approximation. Measurement will help eliminate impulse, daydreaming and speculation from decision-making. It is well known that “the numbers don’t lie” and impose the facts as stubborn evidence.

Therefore, a scientific measuring method makes it possible to correctly measure data relating to competencies and confidence. Competencies are technical and non-technical. Although it may seem more easy to measure achievement performance for a technical competency, it is more complex to evaluate non-technical competencies correctly. Since it is not a question of monitoring a simple unit parameter, more advanced techniques are necessary. Artificial intelligence and data science are very widespread techniques for tackling this type of problem. There are other techniques, they will complement those already used in order to refine decision-making within training centers and achieve the objectives set by CBTA or EBT training.

Our values:

Scientia vincere tenebras*

*Science will conquer darkness

As this latin quote implies, we are passionate about the exact sciences. We believe in what we do and we are committed to improve our technology with techniques that will add value to pilot trainings. We are fully engaged in this transformation process inside training centers. just like numbers don't lie, so are we too. Honesty and Integrity are part of our DNA.