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Why Polaris-Flight

Decisions informed by data can guide organizations in achieving their goals. However, organizations should also be aware of the challenges that can reduce the effectiveness of data-driven decision making.

According to PwC Research (source: Source: PwC’s Global Data and Analytics Survey, July 2016), highly data-driven organizations are three times more likely to report significant improvement in decision-making.

However, existing solutions are built to streamline operations in flight training organizations, rather than focus on strategic decision-making in training management. In other words, they have not been thought out and developed for decision-making about trainings.

On the other hand, software that interface with your training system to help you in your data driven decision-making transition will suffer from the same problems.

In parallel, most organisations are currently using data to look forward and forecast what will happen. Less than a quarter are using diagnostic approaches to explain what has happened and why. Executives want greater speed and sophistication in their decision-making, but most say their ambition is greater than what their organisations are ready for.

Polaris-Flight tackles the challenges of traditional data driven decision-making systems by proposing a brand new approach, that is, a unique affordable, cost-effective, and easy to use solution that let you transition to a data driven learning experience, built from its inception to excel in data driven decision-making, CBTA and EBT.

No need for expensive third-party solution that will not solve your problems, just integrate your training programs into Polaris-Flight and benefit from the advantages of the solution.

Moreover, Polaris-Flight is extendible. No need for additional expensive developments, focus on what matters to you, create easily your points of interests in the platform and start getting answers to your questions. This is a unique feature that comes with our cutting-edge technology.

Decisions informed by data can guide organizations in achieving their goals. However, organizations should also be aware of the challenges that can reduce the effectiveness of data-driven decision making.

According to PwC Research (source: Source: PwC’s Global Data and Analytics Survey, July 2016), highly data-driven organizations are three times more likely to report significant improvement in decision-making.

However, existing solutions are built to streamline operations in flight training organizations, rather than focus on strategic decision-making in training management. In other words, they have not been thought out and developed for decision-making about trainings.

On the other hand, software that interface with your training system to help you in your data driven decision-making transition will suffer from the same problems.

In parallel, most organisations are currently using data to look forward and forecast what will happen. Less than a quarter are using diagnostic approaches to explain what has happened and why. Executives want greater speed and sophistication in their decision-making, but most say their ambition is greater than what their organisations are ready for.

Lack of data The data to answer questions simply doesn't exist in the training. This is one of the major problem in the existing solutions : they can only take into account existing data. This means, that if data don’t exist to answer a question, no matter the software you use, it will be impossible to get the answer.

Scattered data The data is scattered in different software, sometimes in paper form and is difficult to integrate. This does not make it easy to obtain data so that it can be manipulated and interpreted. Poor Quality of Data The quality of insights obtained from data directly depends on its quality. If data itself is incorrect, has duplicate and missing values, and is not consistent in nature, will not provide accurate insights.

Worst, wrong data or low quality data can lead to wrong decisions. Data should have these qualities :

  • Accuracy
  • Completeness
  • Consistency
  • Uniqueness
  • Timeliness

Focusing on the wrong metrics

In the age of big data, the most readily available data sets aren’t always the most informative. The most-common pitfall is focusing on ‘vanity metrics’ over substantive indicators.

Failing to aggregate the data

Very often, data are seen as dimensions but most of the time, the answer to a questions is found by combining different data sets.

Analytics solutions fail to provide timely insights :

Analytics platforms are good when the data are of good quality. But we still need to obtain timely insights to make correct decisions. Such solutions provide you with additional dashboards from which you have to glean insights, or spend money (and valuable time) with an expert to which you have to explain your specific needs, expect him to understand, dive into the complexity of existing data and come back with the required insights, sometimes after several days.

The complexity of Data Visualization

Dashboard data visualization is not without its restrictions. It is difficult to get the proper insights from your data if you don't know what you are looking for. You will receive inaccurate information if you are unsure of what you need from the dashboard or how to use the data visualization tool correctly.

Finding the right person for the Job

One of the challenges in data analytics is finding the right person to understand the requirements of every department (standardization, quality, compliance, etc.). Unfortunately, not every department speaks the same language when it comes to statistics. Thus, a skilled crew is needed to understand correctly the need, and find the data that will fulfill the business requirement. As said before, this means additional expenses and time to find the insights.